Machines have been providing direct communications since the telegraph was developed in 1840s. Described as " Wireless telegraph ", the first radio wise transmission took place on June 3 , 1900. The internet itself is a significant component of the I0T (Internet Of Things), started as a part of DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency ) in 1962, and evolved into ARPANET (Advance Research Project Agency Network) in 1969. In the 1980s commerical service providers began supporting public use of ARPANET, allowing it to evolve into our modern internet. Satellites and land lines provide basic communications for much of the IOT. In 2019, IOT has evolved into a system ,using multiple technologies which include live industrial asset monitoring and smart farming.
    The Internet Of Things or IOT is influencing are lifestyle from the way we react to the way we  behave. From air conditioners, that we can control with are smart phones , to the smart cars providing the shortest route or your smart watch , which is tracking your daily activities. IOT is a giant network with connected devices. These devices gather and share data about how they are used and the  environment in which they are operated . It's all done using sensors and sensors are embedded in every physical device . It can be a mobile phone , electric appliance , barcode sensor , traffic lights and almost everything that you can come across in day to day life . These sensors continuously emit data about the working state of the device.
How do they share the important data between themselves?
IOT provides a common platform for all these devices to dumb their data , and a common language for all the devices to communicate with each other. Data is emmited from various sensors , and sent to the IOT platform security . IOT platforms integrates the collected data from various sources ; further analytics is formed on the data and valuable information is extracted as per requirement. Finally , the result is shared with other devices for better user experience , automation and improving efficiency. 
      Taking examples from our day to day life , imagine you entered your house and suddenly the air conditioner and the light got switched on. When you  were driving your car, the car suddenly stopped at a particular distance by sensing the short distance between two cars so that it does not meet an accident. Incase you meet an accident and are not able to contact anyone, the sensors in your car's automatically send your location to the car company and also it includes an application where the company can directly contact you even if the car has less fuel or it has got a slight damage that the owner is unable to recognise. This can help us  to avoid accidents. 
Application -
    1) Smart home - We would be able to see  in the near future that the devices in our home will be able to communicate with each other .
     2) Smart City - It is an evolution of smart homes because it only includes sensors of a single house but Smart City would include  correlating network or a connected network between various organisations , various domains as well as various segments of the city 
2) Biometric , smart irrigation system also works on IOT.
IOT is going to change the design of the world. It would complete the ideal World of every person on the Earth.

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