Quantum physics is one of the most successful series of modern science which describes the way our world works at the most fundamental level.
 Quantum supremacy was the term proposed in 2012 by John preskill ; professor  of theoretical physics at the California institute of technology .   He  describes how Quantum computer's can do thing's that classical computer's cannot. In October,2019 Google did  a big announcement of Quantum supremacy .  Researches at the University of California, Santa Barbara had claimed to have developed a processor that took 200 Seconds to do a calculation that would have taken 10000 years for a classical computer's. Google used  a 53 qubit processor named " sycamore " to complete the quantum supremacy.
Quantum computing has become one of the leading applications of Quantum physics . Quantum computing has the potential to solve some of the world's most complex problems that are beyond the reach of even today's most powerful supercomputers. Quantum computer's are not going to replace classical computer's , but their radically different ways in which they operate , enables them to perform calculations that classical computing cannot perform. Let's see how they defer ; classical computer's encode information in bits and each bit can represent a 0 and  1 i.e on and off. To perform a simple calculation like solving a maze , a classical computer would test each possible route ; one at a time to find the correct one . Just as  classical computer's have bits ; QUANTUM COMPUTER'S have qubits.  Qubits make the use of two key principles of Quantum physics , “superposition” and “entangled” . Superposition means that each qubit can represent  a 0 or 1 or both at the same time and entangled happens when 2 qubits in a superposition are correlated with one another . Using these two principles qubits can act as a much more sophisticated version of switches helping quantum computer's solve difficult problems that are virtually impossible using classical computer's.   Imagine a example  for classical computer,in  a two dimensional circle,  the point will be either at the top or at the bottom i.e   0 and 1, but nothing in between 0 and 1. In three dimensional i.e quantum computer's it gives 25% 0 or 25% 1 or both 0 and 1 at a time. It can represent and examine only systems stats at a time .This exponential increase in power together with the entangled qubits is what allows quantum computer's to solve certain problems so much more efficiently , while a classical computer solves the problem like the maze by testing each possible route one at a time.
 A Quantum computer uses its entangled quantum state to find the correct route quicker with far fewer calculations . Technologies which currently run on classical computer's can experimentally find patterns and insights buried  in vast amounts of existing data but Quantum computer's will deliver solutions where patterns cannot be seen because sufficient data cannot Exists or the possibilities for discovering an optimal answer are too enormous to ever be processed .
      Quantum computer's could help the financial services and industries , make better investments by funding new ways to modern financial data and isolate key Global risk factors . They could even transform supply chain and logistics by finding the optimal routes across global system , like optimising fleet  operations for deliveries during the holiday seasons.         
  Quantum computing won't replace our everyday computer's and smart phones but it's ability to solve complex problems will open up a  new  universe of information , transforming our view of the world and the way we navigate.
 According to me , it would atleast take 10 years to make use of quantum computing in are Daily electronic products .

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  1. Great article 🤩 keep it up👍 looking forward for more such articles frm you😊
